Everyone loves saving money with coupons, sales and special offers. Most people shop around to find the best deals on groceries, insurance and big purchases. When it comes to utility bills and home maintenance, you could be doing more to lower your expenses.

Analyzing Your Home’s Energy Use

How can you tell if you’re overspending? One way is to compare your energy use to Illinois averages from the Residential Energy Consumption Survey. Here are a few stats.

  • Due to Lake Zurich’s cooler climate, 51 percent of energy goes toward space heating. Just 2 percent is used for cooling.
  • Appliances, electronics and lighting account for another 31 percent of energy use.
  • Natural gas is the primary heating fuel for 80 percent of households.
  • The average home is 2,186 square feet, which is slightly more than the national average.
  • Households spend $2,067 on electricity, natural gas and other energy sources annually.
  • The oldest and newest homes have higher energy costs. Houses built before 1940 don’t have double-pane windows or enough insulation. Newer homes are larger, so they use more energy although they’re more efficient.
  • Annual spending is $814 per family member or 95 cents per square foot.


Ways to Save Energy

If you have discovered that you are overspending, there are a few solutions. Have your heating system serviced. HVAC maintenance improves the efficiency and longevity of heating and cooling equipment. If your furnace or boiler is more than 15 years old and its performance has been declining, a replacement might be the best option. Some gas boilers and furnaces are 96 percent efficient. A new system could lower your gas bills by 15 percent. Nicor Gas and North Shore Gas offer rebates on qualifying units.

You can learn more about seasonal tuneups and home maintenance solutions online or by calling Martin Enterprises Heating & Air Conditioning at (847) 719-8442. We’ll improve your comfort and help you to save energy.

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