Keeping your home healthy and safe means protecting you and your family against the unsuspecting hazards that could pose eventual dangers. From harmful pollutants to faulty electrical wiring, there are a number of hazards that could put your property and life at risk if you aren’t diligent. Here are four tips to help ensure optimal home health.

Monitor Your Indoor Air Quality

Indoor air quality is easy to ignore and take for granted. After all, harmful indoor pollutants remain invisible until they manifest into allergies and diseases. To ensure your home isn’t an IAQ hazard, invest in air quality testing to see where you can make improvements. In addition to natural options like houseplants, a dehumidifier, a UV light and an air purifier can all be tools to improve your IAQ.

Upgrade to Energy-Saving Appliances

Keeping your home healthy involves investing money into it, and you need to find ways to cut costs so you can do that. Not only is upgrading your old appliances to energy-saving ones better for the environment, but it can help you save up to 20 percent on each month’s energy bill. When you consider the Environmental Protection Agency estimates an average home in the United States spends about $2,000 per year in utilities, an upgrade could equate to a $400 return.

Test the Various Detectors in Your Home Monthly

Smoke detector, carbon monoxide detector, radon detector – you should test all of these monthly to ensure the batteries haven’t died, and the device is still operational. If your home isn’t armed with all three of these, consider using the money you’ve saved on your energy bills to buy the detector(s) you need. They could save your life one day!

Invest in Preventative HVAC Maintenance

In many ways, the HVAC system is at the heart of your household. From dirty filters that don’t catch excessive dust inside the home to faulty electrical wiring that could cause a fire, an HVAC system can cause problems if it isn’t maintained regularly. With a regular and professional maintenance, your HVAC system will operate efficiently and save you money.

For more information about how you can keep your home as a safe sanctuary, read these seven tips about keeping your IAQ fresh or contact us at (847) 719-8442. We’re happy to help you learn how to use everything from a UV light and air purifier to a fire extinguisher and carbon monoxide detector.

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