A circuit breaker trips to prevent fire outbreaks and protect appliances in your Lake Zurich, IL home from damage. Your air conditioner is one of the appliances that can trip the circuit breaker. Find out below common reasons why AC systems trip breakers.

Electrical Issues

Rodents may enter your air conditioner and damage the coating on the system’s wires. Even if rodents aren’t the culprit, if naked wires come in contact, a short circuit may occur, causing the circuit breaker to trip.

The Compressor Is Faulty

A compressor is one of the AC’s components that draws a lot of electricity, especially when it’s faulty. When a circuit breaker detects circuit overloads, like what a defective compressor can cause, it trips.

You can often tell whether the compressor is faulty by observing the outdoor part of your AC. If the unit vibrates whenever you start your air conditioner, request a certified technician to inspect your compressor.

Your Air Filter Is Dirty

For your air conditioner to satisfy your temperature needs, it must draw in air from your living space, cool it and send it back. If your air filter is too dirty, not enough air can enter the system for cooling.

Consequently, your AC will work harder, attempting to draw in enough air. Overworking makes the system use excessive energy, thus potentially tripping the breaker.

The Condenser Unit Is Dirty

The outdoor piece of your AC is the condenser unit. Its role is to facilitate the transfer of heat from the refrigerant to the surroundings.

If the component is dirty, your air conditioner runs continuously as it tries to dispose of as much heat as possible. Running constantly makes the system consume excessive energy, which can trip the breaker. Schedule annual maintenance services to keep the condenser and other system parts clean.

Resetting your circuit breaker every time it trips doesn’t address the root cause of the problem. The best solution is to call the air conditioning experts at Martin Enterprises Heating and Air Conditioning to have the system inspected and fixed. Our NATE-certified technicians have the tools and skills to tackle any HVAC issue.

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