As we transition from the freezing winter to the warm and wet days of summer in Arlington Heights, Illinois, homeowners have more to think about than pulling out bathing suits and finding new flip flops. A change in seasons also means switching from your furnace or heating system to your air conditioner. Doing so safely and efficiently requires a few essential maintenance tasks.

Prepare Your Air Conditioner for Summer Heat

As the snow days come to a close, there are two things that you should do to prepare your HVAC system for the warmer days to come:

  • AC Tune-Up – A professional tune-up is one of the best practices for efficient cooling and an essential air conditioning maintenance task. One of our well-trained technicians will check your condensation line and drip pan as well as the condenser coils, evaporator, blower, and other system components. Replacing parts before the warmest weather hits the Lake Zurich area could prevent a system failure or expensive inefficiencies later in the summer.
  • Filter – Change the filter for your air conditioning system and set a schedule for routine filter changes throughout the summer. If you aren’t sure what type of filters are best for your system, talk to our knowledgeable technicians during your annual AC tune-up.

Simply changing your filter regularly will extend the efficiency and life of your air conditioner. If you think it’s time for an upgrade to a more energy-efficient model, our technicians can give you detailed information about your options.

Prepare Your Furnace or Heating System for a Summer Rest

As the air conditioners come to life in northeastern Illinois, furnaces are put to rest until the return of chilly weather. You can save yourself some time and possibly some money by having a trained technician look at your furnace or heating system before you forget about it for a while. Our technicians are trained to identify problems that could prevent safety hazards during the summer or expensive inconveniences when it’s time to restart the heat.

To learn more about preparing your air conditioning system for warmer weather, call the professionals of Martin Enterprises at (847) 719-8442.

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