Homeowners in Barrington, IL understand the importance of HVAC systems for staying warm this winter. But for all of their value during waking hours, the HVAC system can also profoundly affect you when you sleep, and you should be aware of some of these effects. Here are a few ways your HVAC system could impact your sleep.


If temperature is such a crucial aspect of indoor comfort when you’re awake, it should also be a factor when you’re asleep. It’s essential to set your thermostat to a suitable temperature during nighttime hours, and finding that ideal temperature may take some experimentation. Sleeping comfortably means less tossing and turning and a lower chance of waking up at night.

Indoor Air Quality

Most HVAC systems include ventilation ducts and air filters. Even systems with no ducts have filters. That means that your HVAC system can play a crucial role in keeping the air in your home clean.

If the filters are clean and the system’s other parts are functional, this should be enough to remove many airborne indoor pollutants in your home. This way, your HVAC system allows you to sleep in a cleaner environment, so you’ll probably sleep more soundly. It’s essential to change your air filters once every 90 days and to schedule regular maintenance on your HVAC system to filter your air effectively.


When properly functioning, HVAC systems should not generate more than a low and inoffensive hum. Louder noises than this — bangs, rumbles, squeals or anything else — can be challenging to sleep through and generally mean that your system has some underlying problem. You’ll need professional technicians to resolve the issue for you.

Whether asleep or awake, your HVAC system should keep you comfortable in your Barrington, IL home. If it doesn’t, call Martin Enterprises Heating and Air Conditioning and schedule HVAC services today.

Image provided by iStock

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