Your air conditioner should keep you comfortable, but when something goes wrong, it can turn your Buffalo Grove, IL home into a sauna. One common culprit is a faulty AC sensor that causes your AC to act up in ways that are both annoying and expensive. Here are some signs that your AC sensor has a problem.

1. Inconsistent Temperatures

If one minute your home is too cold and the next it is too warm, your sensor can be to blame. A faulty sensor can cause your HVAC system to misread the room temperature.

2. Short Cycling

Short cycling is when your AC turns on and off frequently without fully cooling your home. This can happen if the sensor tells the system that the room has reached the desired temperature when it has not. Not only is this frustrating, but it also puts extra wear and tear on your system.

3. AC Runs Continuously

If your AC runs all day and never seems to shut off, the sensor might be the issue. A malfunctioning sensor can trick the system into thinking the room is still too warm and cause the AC to keep running. A faulty sensor will waste energy.

4. Unusual Noises

If your AC makes strange noises, it could be a sensor problem. Do not ignore these noises because they are a sign that something needs attention.

5. High Energy Bills

If your energy bills are higher than usual, a faulty sensor could be to blame. When your AC does not run efficiently, it uses more power.

A faulty AC sensor might seem like a small issue, but it can cause big problems if you leave it unchecked. If you’re in Buffalo Grove, IL, call Martin Enterprises Heating and Air Conditioning for air conditioning repair.

Image provided by iStock

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