since furnaces aren’t used during warm weather, it’s common for system issues to go undetected. When an HVAC professional inspects your Deer Park, IL, system early in the fall, there will be time to make any necessary repairs before you need to turn on the heat. A furnace tune-up ensures that you’re ready for the colder season and gives you the benefits below.

Reduced Risk of an Emergency Breakdown

Over time, your furnace sustains wear and tear. When a furnace is old and unmaintained, it can break down at any time. One challenge with a furnace that breaks down when you first turn it on when heat is needed, is that a service technicians might be too busy elsewhere to get to you quickly.

If you let small furnace issues stack up, they could lead to major issues requiring you to replace the whole system. A tune-up helps you detect the small issues early, so you won’t have to deal with a breakdown in the middle of the heating season.

Longer Furnace Lifespan

With regular maintenance, your furnace can last up to 20 years. However, if you fail to maintain the system, it may not last longer than 10. Buildup of dust, dirt and other particles might clog the system, forcing the furnace to work harder.

A system that works too hard endures more wear and tear and can break down anytime. Service technicians can tune up the system for efficient operation so that no part of the furnace overworks.

Lower Monthly Energy Bills

Energy Star estimates that heating accounts for about 29% of your utility bills at home. Heating can deplete your savings every month, but you can reduce the costs with a furnace tune-up. The tune-up optimizes the performance of your furnace to make is more energy efficient.

When the system operates efficiently, it saves you money on utility bills. Efficient operation also keeps its parts from wearing down too fast.

Call us at Martin Enterprises Heating and Air Conditioning for installation, maintenance and repair of your furnace in Deer Park, IL. We also install and service central heating and cooling systems, thermostats, boilers and ducted and ductless systems.

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